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Dark rain clouds gather in the distant horizon showing a storm is coming. Storms can be a metaphor for trials and tribulations in life but the storms also bring rain and life to the earth. We should not fear storms but it is our human nature to do so.  Storms will always come but they bring sunny skies again and soon part for sunnier weather. True in nature and true in our spiritual lives as well.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 276
S 1200 × 662
M 2800 × 1544
MAX 3900 × 2151

Dark rain clouds gather in the distant horizon showing a storm is coming. Storms can be a metaphor for trials and tribulations in life but the storms also bring rain and life to the earth. We should not fear storms but it is our human nature to do so. Storms will always come but they bring sunny skies again and soon part for sunnier weather. True in nature and true in our spiritual lives as well.

Product Properties

Product ID 580339
Location Central Florida