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The dark gray clouds crack open with streams and rays of sunlight that break through the darkness like a metaphor from a book or the book of books letting us know that there is always a silver lining behind the storm clouds of life and there is a happy ending that the bible tells us about when we seek peace among the storms of life.

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Rick Short Partner since November 2012


XS 500 × 281
S 1200 × 675
M 2800 × 1575
MAX 3800 × 2138

The dark gray clouds crack open with streams and rays of sunlight that break through the darkness like a metaphor from a book or the book of books letting us know that there is always a silver lining behind the storm clouds of life and there is a happy ending that the bible tells us about when we seek peace among the storms of life.

Product Properties

Product ID 584460
Location The Green Earth