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the armor of God (Ephesians 6,17): the helmet of salvation, 
armor, helmet, Ephesians, salvation, resist, withstand, Word, fight, armor of God, armour, Ephesians 6:17, word of God, knight, war, soldier, protection, battle, army, breastplate, truth, evil, forces, powers, mights, dark, stand, against, firm, steadfast, bronze

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XS 500 × 375
S 1200 × 900
M 3264 × 2448

the armor of God (Ephesians 6,17): the helmet of salvation,
armor, helmet, Ephesians, salvation, resist, withstand, Word, fight, armor of God, armour, Ephesians 6:17, word of God, knight, war, soldier, protection, battle, army, breastplate, truth, evil, forces, powers, mights, dark, stand, against, firm, steadfast, bronze

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Product ID 138784