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a globe resting at the bible open to the page, Mark
globe, earth, world, mission, missions, evangelism, evangelize, evangelizing, discipleship, disciple, disciples, spreading the gospel, go, going, page, pages, inside, scripture, holy book, table, wooden, wood, Africa, South America, fellowship, study, nation, nations, international, read, reading, peoples, union, cultures, great commission, to all the peoples

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a globe resting at the bible open to the page, Mark
globe, earth, world, mission, missions, evangelism, evangelize, evangelizing, discipleship, disciple, disciples, spreading the gospel, go, going, page, pages, inside, scripture, holy book, table, wooden, wood, Africa, South America, fellowship, study, nation, nations, international, read, reading, peoples, union, cultures, great commission, to all the peoples

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Product ID 251141